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Welcome to "UX5UO Print" – world of QSLs!

If you are a radio amateur but don't have a QSL card or are not satisfied with your current cards or you have run out of QSLs then here is an easy solution. HAMs that have got their QSLs from "UX5UO Print" write:

22.07.2024 02:19
WEB Review   Jamie Pemantell,  AA1IT

Dear Gennady,
I wanted to let you know that I received my cards in the mail the other day and they look incredible! I could not be more pleased.

Thanks again for a wonderful job. Like many hams internationally, I hope and pray that Ukraine will be protected from aggression.

Sincere best regards,
Jamie Pemantell, AA1IT

More reviews...

Even if you do not need new QSLs just now, you can simply to browse through samples or find how to apply for the "Fair QSLer Award". Remember...

...the Final Courtesy of a QSO is a QSL!!!

QSL of the Month
Some Statistics
As of March 2025 22421 unique callsigns from 320 DXCC countries have already been printed by "UX5UO print".